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5 Relationships You Should Build in Poker Rooms

Poker Player Handshake

Do you play live poker? Are you thinking about playing live poker? If so, you should start thinking ahead of how you plan to interact with players and casino staff. While there’s a lot out there about how you should play at the tables, few talk about the everyday interactions with others at the casino.

Today, I am going to share with you five relationships you should cultivate at your local casino or poker room. These relationships will seldom win you a dime at the poker table, but it will make things better for you as a poker player.

The Brush

One of the people you should become friends with is the person running the board at the poker room. This person is generally referred to as The Brush. They are the person that’s going to put you on a list for a game.

These people deal with hundreds and sometimes thousands of people a day. Many are rude and nasty. They are simply doing a job, and sometimes a tough one. Take some time to talk to them, chat them up, and try and brighten their day a little.

This could help you in your daily play. You may find that you’re getting into games a bit faster than other players, especially rude players. Also, they may give you a heads-up on special promotions or could even put in a good word for you with the floor managers regarding comps.


It should be logical that you should be nice to the dealers, but many fail to do so. The dealer is there to pitch cards, collect pots and rake, and run the game. They are doing a job. There’s no reason to be nasty to them. Why not chat them up and be friendly?

Dealers remember players who treat them well, and I am not just talking about tips. Word will spread about those that are awesome just as fast as it will regarding players that are jerks. You treat the dealers well, and they will usually put in a good word for you and have your back in disputes.

Cocktail Waitresses and Porters

Anyone that brings you food or beverages to the table are folks you should be friendly to. Again, they are there to do a job, and not to be abused by players. Being friendly to these people will brighten their day, and you will find that they will provide better service.

Poker Porter - Cocktail Waiter


For example, there was one porter at the Bike in Los Angeles that would literally go do anything for me at the casino. He wouldn’t do anything but bring food to other players. I once asked him about that and he said “you’ve always been nice to me, so I am nice to you.”

Floor Staff

Often, the only time most players interact with floor staff is when there’s a problem. That’s a problem in my view. Floor staff are responsible for making sure that things run smoothly in the casino and are people you want on your side.

Go chat them up and be friendly with these workers. Like with the dealers and brushes, floor staff that view you favorably will usually go out of their way to help you.

These guys will often also help you get comps and discounts at the casino. I had one buddy in Los Angeles that would help me get transportation to the airport and discounted rates at the casino. I’m not a high roller or anything. Generally, I only played poker tournaments and low stakes cash games. However, I was just well-liked.


Some of you may never use valet parking, but I do. In some areas, it is a much safer option than self-parking, especially if you play into the late hours of the night. You’ll almost always see the same people working valet every day, so you’ll get a great chance to be friendly and interact.

It’s smart to get these folks on your side as they will usually take better care of your car. I’ve even had some casino valets get my car washed for me free of charge. Obviously, I gave them a better tip. Generally, I find that I get my car faster from valets I’m buddies with over those I just minimally interact with.

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